Friday, October 12, 2012

Committed to your Success! Empower Martial Arts Fayetteville, NC

Have you ever started something you were so excited about that you couldn’t sleep? Or bought something you couldn’t keep your mind off of? Many times this excitement is diminished after a period of time due to a lack of direction and encouragement from those around you. Setting goals is great! But are you following through on them or are you just hoping that they will magically be reached?

EMA recognizes that some people are highly self-motivated and others need you to hold their hand every now and then. True strength of character is built in the times when you have “hit the wall”, or lost the initial passion you started with. For instance, take building a model airplane. If someone is expecting it to be done by the time the fair arrives and is calling you to see how everything is coming along, you will finish it because you know how badly you want to display your hard work for all to see. In the same instance, if you are building a model airplane just to have one and no one cares if you finish it, you probably will not finish. And if you do finish, it may take much longer than you anticipated.

At Empower Martial Arts we want to know your goals and exactly what we need to do to insure that you reach them! Accountability is the best way to keep you on track and focused on what you really want. Leave a comment below or e-mail for more tips on reaching your goals and building a foundation for success!

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