Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What to expect from a childrens martial arts class at EMA!

Expect there to be one or more experienced teachers on the floor in your child’s class. Expect the teacher to, at times, appear to have the patience of Job. Expect a bit more, Oh how shall we say it? ENERGY, every so often. Expect the teacher, whether gently guiding everyone along or cranking up the troops, to wear a smile (a happy one!). 

Expect a lot of talk about respect, about leadership, about following directions, about good manners, about anger, about a whole bunch of things just about any parent would love to hear some OTHER adult talking to them about. That’s the way we do it.

Expect a lot of good-sleep-inducing exercise. And expect some special events, as one of our primary goals is to teach our students to take what they practice on the mat and apply it to other things (like school, like work, like fun, and -- to the community).

Expect to look back on your son or daughters martial arts lessons with great pleasure and fond memories. Expect, genuinely, some very good times. Empower Martial Arts wants to show YOU and your children how to become safe, healthy, and a great leader! E-mail tj_holgerson@hotmail.com or call (913)-754-6570 for more information.  

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