Thursday, October 25, 2012

FREE Seminars For Parents, Empower Martial Arts

FREE Bully Prevention Seminar for Parents typically takes about 1 to 1.5 hours. Think about it: in just 1.5 hours, you will learn how to identify bullying behaviors and what you can do for your child if they are being bullied or are the bully. You will also learn the steps you need to follow when dealing with teachers and your school to provide the best protection for your child.

Click on the link and sign up for this free workshop. Even if your children are Home-schooled it can still be a very worthwhile conference.

This website also offers a FREE workshop on suicide prevention. How to detect the warning signs, know how to offer help, and know how to get help and save a life! Click the link to get started!

For more information or questions, leave a comment below or e-mail

Knowledge and awareness are the first steps in true self-defense.

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