Monday, October 1, 2012

I Am Over 30, Should I Consider Empower Martial Arts?

         Well yes, and no       

         You should consider a regular, daily, exercise program. A sensible one; one that
         starts slow and lets your fitness sneak up on you (rather than hitting you over the head
         with it).
A martial arts program certainly has the potential to be a wonderfully complete training program, as it includes stretching, strength training, aerobic exercise, and requires a kind of mental focus akin to deep meditation. That is, if the instructor you choose has the right kinds of experience. The instructors at Empower Martial Arts have a great understanding of how to teach people of all ages.
But oh, find a great teacher and the martial arts can become your best friend. The training can keep you supple, sharp, and clear thinking. A martial arts school, directed by a conscientious teacher, can be a centering, inspiring, refreshing place that you love going to --and leave thinking about your next session.
Yes, look to the martial arts for new perspective on your life, after the age of 30. It’s not too late, even at 40, 50, or 60. EMA offers 2 free classes to all new students who walk in the door! No tricks, no in your face salesmen, just friendly staff and instructors who want to help you reach YOUR goals.
If you’re thinking about taking classes, allow me to be the first to invite you in. Mention that you’re over 30 and I will offer you 2 free lessons to try us out. Warning: It’s fun, affordable, and invigorating. It’s never to late to start working out. The most difficult aspect of exercise is taking that first step.
Reach me at: or by phone at (913)-754-6570.

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