Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What is Resilience? Empower Martial Arts Fayetteville, NC

Resilience is the ability to bounce back in the face of adversity, to grow and thrive during hard challenges. This concept is built around a group of core competencies that enables mental toughness, optimal performance, strong leadership, and goal achievement. How do I bounce back?

Empower Martial Arts is here to help you identify your top character strengths to give you the tools needed to overcome adversity. Some of these skills include Self Awareness: Identify thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and patterns in thinking. Self Regulation: Regulate behaviors, control emotions and impulses to express your emotions appropriately. Optimism: Maintain a clear head, look for the good, identify what’s controllable, and remain realistic. Mental Agility: Understanding problems by thinking flexibly and accurately. Connection: Building a foundation around clear communication that is positive and effective. And last but not least is Strengths of Character: Knowing what you’re capable of and playing to your strengths.

EMA instructors are not just teachers but “educators.” Awareness is the first step towards prevention and leading a better life! for questions leave a comment below or e-mail tj_holgerson@hotmail.com

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