Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is Empower Martial Arts All About?

Empower Martial Arts is a group of teachers/educators who use the tool of “martial arts” to change lives. We want students to know what if looks and feels like to make a difference in the community. We want to hear stories from others saying how your training has influenced their lives! We want everyone to see how martial arts can relieve stress, improve grades in school, develop a healthy life style, help you lose weight, and challenge you to better yourself each and every day.

EMA is all about leading by example. Living what you preach and walking the walk is the most powerful form of influencing and challenging others. How can we expect you to be fit, healthy, and goal oriented if we aren’t? It’s not fair for us to expect you to practice outside of class, set higher goals, and push yourself if we aren’t. EMA is committed to giving everyone the best chance for success in every aspect of life.

EMA is committed toward building strong relationships, empowering students to give their best every class, and enhancing character development. All of this is accomplished through positive correction rather than criticism.

Lastly, EMA is all about equipping you for the future. Preparing you with the physical skills needed to defend yourself, preparing your children for future job interviews and social interaction, and preparing you to be leaders in the community.

Leave a comment below or e-mail for more information.

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