Friday, October 19, 2012

Safety Tips For Your Children From Empower Martial Arts

Just in case you didn’t know, pedestrian injury is still the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death in children ages 5-14. Because a child’s size and cognitive ability are constantly developing, in addition to environmental risks such as speeding motorists there are many hazards that contribute to accidents and injuries. Here are some great tips from resources and

Teach safe behaviors:

  • Look left, right and left again before crossing the street. Cross when the street is clear, and keep looking both ways while crossing. Walk, don't run.

  • Understand and obey traffic signals and signs.

  • Walk facing traffic, on sidewalks or paths, so that you can see oncoming cars. If there are no sidewalks, walk as far to the left as possible.

Practice safe behaviors:

  • Don’t allow a child under age 10 to cross streets alone as he may not be able to fully appreciate the speed of cars on the road.

  • Require children to carry a flashlight at night, dawn and dusk. Add retroreflective materials to children’s clothing so that a child can be seen by motorists, even in the dark.

  • Don't let kids play in driveways, unfenced yards, streets or parking lots. Drivers may not see or anticipate children playing.

For more information on safety tips and how to get involved with Empower Martial Arts Contact Mr. Holgerson at or by phone at (913)-754-6570.  

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