Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sexual assault can happen anywhere, anytime… are you prepared?

Below is an article and police report of a woman who was sexually assaulted by a man who broke into her apartment. I’m not posting this to scare you. Assault and rape are scary enough in and of themselves. Living day to day, counting all the things you do correctly, and convincing yourself that it will not happen to you is the real problem. These are false securities, such as: I’m in good standings with most of my family, I don’t have any ex-boyfriends that want to hurt me, the neighborhood I live in is fairly safe, etc...

This article is a great example of being completely caught off guard and having no game plan ready for action. Becky Laing quotes “I'm nervous because I just had a baby. So, I just went out and bought some pepper spray”. NEWS FLASH: pepper spray can just as easily be used against you and the chances of you being able to pull it out of your purse, remove the safety switch, aim, and shoot while your SNS (Sympathetic Nervous System) kicks in is next to imposible.

The only REAL solution to this problem is approaching it as, when this happens to me. Not, if this happens I will do XY&Z. EMA has experienced instructors certified in SHARP or (Sexual Harassment Asault Rape Prevention) to give you the knowledge and skills to be confident that WHEN an assault takes place not IF, you will be ready!

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