Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the martial arts solution Fayetteville, N.C.

Many people know that martial arts are a great tool for fitness, self-defense, confidence, and stress relief, but did you also know that it has helped many adults and military, with PTSD? For most military soldiers, martial arts is a great therapy alternative for combat veterans looking to overcome PTSD. Trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk has also observed that self-defense and martial arts classes can be good adjuncts to trauma therapy. Learning self-defense in a discplined invironment can be a good way to ease soldiers back into society. The physical and emotional components breed a positive effect upon dealing with unconscious emotions, and bringing back a feeling of calm and healing that goes deeper than words. EMA knows the importance of monitoring students and looking for signs of anger, stress, confusion, and depresion. If you have any questions e-mail tj_holgerson@hotmail.com or call (913)-754-6570.

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