Friday, July 13, 2012

Obvious and Not-So-Obvious Benefits of Taking Martial Arts Lessons in Fayetteville N.C.

There are some obvious benefits that young and old alike garner from studying the martial arts. The first one is in the exercise involved. Exercise, if it’s tailored for the age and ability of the participant, is good for the body, the mind, and, yes, often good for the spirit too.
A not-so-obvious benefit of studying the martial arts is the often unspoken requirement to “be present” in the practice. “When you’re dealing with kicks, punches, and arm-bars,” says veteran martial arts teacher Tom Callos of Hilo, Hawaii, “you simply have to stay ‘in the moment’ to keep from getting socked in the nose. Awareness of what I call, ‘The here and now,” is something you can instantly take off of the mat and put to work in your everyday life.”
With exercise and mindfulness comes a third component that is not a benefit you’ll find in every martial arts school, but it’s something we are deeply involved with. It’s about food and its connection to fitness and health. “What we consume is as important and relevant to self-defense in today’s world,” says Callos, “as any kind of martial arts technique.” For more information on using the martial arts to improve the body, mind, and diet, contact TJ Holgerson at or by phone at (913)-754-6570.

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