Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Quick Fix Self-Defense Fayetteville, N.C.

One of the Philosophy’s of Empowered Martial Arts is "how can Martial Arts really change your life?" Does getting a stripe on your belt or breaking a board really effect the way you act and behave each and every day? Although yes it is exciting to get a stripe on your belt and break a board, you might even tell your friends, but what is the higher purpose? Now days everyone is looking for the quick fix and with just our country in the last year spending over 45 billion dollars on lottery tickets, something needs to change. Because most Martial Arts programs only offer classes 2 or 3 days each week, that leaves 4 to 5 days a week that the student is being influenced by other party’s. For Martial Arts to have a genuine impact there needs to be small, specific, consistent, and recorded steps taken each day to demonstrate how over time goals can be reached and dreams can be achieved. This is a passion of mine that I am very excited to share with all of you!      

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