Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year From Empower Martial Arts!

What an exciting time to celebrate the triumphs of 2012 and welcome in a new year of possibilities. EMA is ready to take on 2013 with force, optimism, and faith that God will continue to provide.

Jumping into a new year is a great time for goal setting, not resolutions necessarily, as those are merely a blind hope for success. Take the time today to write out SMART goals (Specific, Motivating, Achievable, Relevant, Trackable). Be sure to include short term goals, long term goals, academic goals, physical goals, and relational goals as well. Map out a game plan to give yourself every possible chance to succeed.

Looking back at the natural disasters, shootings, hate crimes, and losses so many have experienced in the last year, EMA is working on reaching out to the community and setting a good example for our future generations. Many prayers are continually lifted this holiday season to the families of Newtown, Connecticut who are spending these holidays for the first time without loved ones and dear friends.

In the midst of the sadness, happiness, triumphs, struggles, and whatever else life throws at you this year, always rejoice in what you have and don’t take anything for granted.

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