Friday, January 25, 2013

What does it mean to be a Martial Artist?

I wish there was a simple answer to this question that would sum it up so well that there would never be any controversy. Unfortunately the term “martial arts” is taken many different ways and is interpreted differently by all cultures with martial art styles.

EMA views a martial artist as someone who is confident, disciplined, shows self-control, and is greatly respected by others. It’s doing the right thing even when nobody is looking (integrity). It’s stepping out of your comfort zone and overcoming obstacles that cause you to grow physically, and mentally. It’s helping others repeatedly without asking anything in return. It's taking care of your body. It’s being a peace warrior. It’s knowing how to defend yourself and avoiding fights all together. It’s not easy, it’s not always fun, it’s not always painless. If it was, everyone would achieve the rank of black belt.

At EMA we do not practice meditation, but I do believe in taking time to rest, quiet yourself, stretch, and BREATH! Doing this is essential to relieving stress, calming anger, and creating a clear conscience to be able to think clearly at all times.

We strongly encourage questions throughout classes to clarify the small details that will help all students learn not only the physical skills but the art as well.

A martial artist should strive to acquire all of these traits to better himself/herself as well as those around him. For more questions contact TJ Holgerson at (913)-754-6570 or

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