Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Health Benefits of Martial Arts

You may have heard once or twice before about how Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts build strong character development traits and life skills such as Integrity, respect, perseverance, honor, confidence, etc…, but sometimes the health benefits are slightly overlooked.

In conjunction with the physical exercises of Tae Kwon Do such as kicking, punching, footwork, stances, and blocks, come numerous benefits for your health and body. Done consistently, the movements and exercises associated with each class help relieve stress and anxiety by releasing the endorphins and toxins trapped inside your body. When these are released, it allows your body to think more clearly and to create a better flow of oxygen and blood to your brain and muscles. Many times during class the instructor will remind you to breathe correctly and to not hold your breath. This may seem like common sense, but when your body is tired and fatigued your mind becomes fatigued as well.

Some adults choose not to participate in martial arts due to a number of reasons, one being the fear of injuring themselves. In each class at Empower Martial Arts we start with the proper warm up and dynamic stretches for the activities and movements that will be done during the main portion of the class. This insures that your muscles and tendons are ready to be worked, strengthened, and toned to avoid possible injury or reinjure. The end of each class time is also spent on static stretching and tactical breathing to relax the muscles and improve flexibility. We also strongly encourage stretching throughout the day and drinking water to avoid possible cramps or tightness.

If you’re looking to feel better, move better, breathe better, and even lose some weight while getting in shape, contact (913)-754-6570 or e-mail tj_holgerson@hotmail.com for more information!

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