Thursday, December 20, 2012

Preventing Injury During Training

Another form of safety is taking the correct steps towards preventing injury during training. This is broken down into 3 segments: before training, during training, and after training.

Before Training: It doesn’t take long the older you get to realize how important it is that what you do before a workout can have a significant impact, not only on results, but in preventing injury. Phase 1) Insure that you are hydrated before each workout. Don’t wait until afterwards to drink a gallon of water. Phase 2) Dynamic stretching should take place to allow blood and oxygen to circulate through all of the muscles, especially those that will be worked more than others during the training or workout. Phase 3) Mental preparation: If you are very tired or already have an injury that needs to be protected, be sure to let the instructor know and use caution.

During Training: Always be aware of your surroundings, especially if you are required to move in all directions. Listen to your body. If you work out on a regular basis you will know your limitations better. Don’t be afraid to stop if you are feeling dizzy, light headed, or feeling pain.

After Training: Now is the best time to do static stretching, hold various leg and arm stretches for 10 to 15sec. This is the best time to stretch while your muscles are warm and tired, but do not over stretch. Next, sip on water do not chug it, and in the 30min after completing a workout be sure to eat something with protein, and potassium for faster muscle recovery.

Whether you workout and train every day or once a month, it’s always important to do everything you can to avoid injury so you can feel better, workout more, and live a healthy lifestyle.

For more ways from Empower Martial Arts on preventing injury contact

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