Thursday, November 29, 2012

What do you mean workout durring Christmas?

As the Christmas holidays are rapidly approaching, many people are finding themselves slowly running out of time for gift buying, decorating the house, sending out Christmas cards, and WORKING OUT!

Yes the holidays are very exciting and can be stressful at many points, but cutting out your workouts may be what brings your spirit down. Most people know that working out at a level that pushes you,  slowly improving your cardiovascular system and burning fat is one of the biggest stress relievers you could ask for.

The more your body moves and your sweat glands open, your body begins to release endorphins that increase your productivity throughout the day, generates more energy for your body, and gives you a more positive outlook on what’s ahead. I’m not saying this gives you an excuse for eating more cookies this holiday season, but keeping the body active will reduce fatigue, cramping, and heartburn from whatever holiday dishes you do devour.

This holiday season stay a step ahead, continue your workouts and if you haven’t started working out, get a jump on all of those waiting for the New Years! Kick stress in the face with martial arts, and don’t let the cold weather keep you out of the gym!

If you are needing motivation to workout, tips for staying healthy, or just need someone to keep you accountable, contact any of our EMA instructors by e-mailing

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