Saturday, November 3, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Supports our Troops Fort Bragg, NC

Friday November 2nd Empower Martial Arts instructors joined our military soldiers and supported their families by attending the brigade run, Purple Heart ceremony, and Gold Star memorial ceremony. Not very often do you get to see thousands of soldiers running in formation and their families cheering them on. The brigade run consisted of 4 miles and not one person was left behind.
Following the run was the Purple Heart Ceremony, where soldiers and families gathered to honor those who had been injured during combat. Not every wounded soldier was in attendance, but one such soldier was, SSR Travis Mills. He is the 4th person ever to survive a quadruple amputee surgery. Seeing him standing and greeting fellow soldiers later was a very surreal sight indeed.
Later in the evening was the Gold Star ceremony where a gold star was awarded, along with a plaque, to the families of the soldiers who died during combat. Emotions were high and tears were shed as the fellow soldiers and families of each victim mourned their loss. Once the prayer was given and shots were fired, emotions began to sink in as everyone became silent in remembrance. The strength of the families who had lost a loved one was unbelievable and is a constant reminder of how fortunate we are to live in a free country.

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