Thursday, November 29, 2012

What do you mean workout durring Christmas?

As the Christmas holidays are rapidly approaching, many people are finding themselves slowly running out of time for gift buying, decorating the house, sending out Christmas cards, and WORKING OUT!

Yes the holidays are very exciting and can be stressful at many points, but cutting out your workouts may be what brings your spirit down. Most people know that working out at a level that pushes you,  slowly improving your cardiovascular system and burning fat is one of the biggest stress relievers you could ask for.

The more your body moves and your sweat glands open, your body begins to release endorphins that increase your productivity throughout the day, generates more energy for your body, and gives you a more positive outlook on what’s ahead. I’m not saying this gives you an excuse for eating more cookies this holiday season, but keeping the body active will reduce fatigue, cramping, and heartburn from whatever holiday dishes you do devour.

This holiday season stay a step ahead, continue your workouts and if you haven’t started working out, get a jump on all of those waiting for the New Years! Kick stress in the face with martial arts, and don’t let the cold weather keep you out of the gym!

If you are needing motivation to workout, tips for staying healthy, or just need someone to keep you accountable, contact any of our EMA instructors by e-mailing

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Homeschool Class!

Empower Martial Arts is very excited to announce that it will be hosting its first ever official HOMESCHOOL CLASS this Tuesday, December 4th at Tolson Youth Center on Fort Bragg!

The times for these classes will be 1:15pm-2:15pm for ages 6-12yrs old and a class for 4 and 5yr olds will be held immediately after from 2:15pm-3:00pm.

The 6-12 year old class will be a 45 minute class with 15 extra minutes following for students to ask questions and practice on their own. The 4 and 5 year old class will be 30 minutes long with 15 extra minutes as well to work on their material and ask questions.

These classes are scheduled for Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday in the Martial Arts room at the Tolson Youth Center. Schedules will be handed out this Tuesday.

VERY IMPORTANT! If you are not already registered with CYS (Child Youth Cervices), you must do so before your child can participate in the class. It is a one-time process and is required for each family.

Also, from now until the end of December these classes will be absolutely FREE!! Mr. Holgerson is acting as a volunteer to reach out to the homeschool community and provide an exciting traditional Tae Kwon Do class that is offered at a convenient time for these families.

Finally! Tell your friends and family about this exciting opportunity and we will see you THIS Tuesday! For any other questions or comments contact Mr. Holgerson at or by phone at (913)-754-6570.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from Empower Martial Arts

With Black Friday hours away and Christmas decorations ready to jump out of storage, it’s important to take the time to be thankful for all you have and those around you.

Although giving thanks is great, it should not only happen once a year but all day every day!

Thanksgiving is also a great time to forgive those in your life who have hurt you or continue to bring you down. Digging deep to be thankful in the areas of life that cause you stress, grief, and anxiety is an extremely hard task for anybody. But never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and allow new opportunities to enter your life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stepping up, Stepping out, Empower Martial Arts

Teaching kids about self-defense isn’t just teaching them how to block punches, kicks, and thwart aggressive bullies. It’s instructing them  on the importance of proper attitude, perspective and self-talk.

Tom Callos, team coach for a program called The Ultimate Black Belt Test, promotes the idea that self-defense is far more about what a child thinks—than it is about some techniques of martial arts (this goes for adults as well).

What do you mean? This simply means don’t give someone else the power to decide how YOU feel! Don’t let others influence whether you are sad, happy, angry, or scared. I have to agree this is much easier said than done. So how do I go about this? The same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time. One incident where you, or I, don’t blame someone else for how we feel.  Then that adds up to 2 incidents, then three, and from there habits begin to form.

This is much the way classes work at EMA. If you’re always dwelling on what lies ahead, you will become frustrated.  Instead, learn one move at a time and we will help you track your progress!

This thinking process can be just as useful as actual self-defense, and can also be practiced everywhere you go. For more questions on this lesson contact Mr. Holgerson at

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veterans day from Empower Martial Arts

Having only been in Fayetteville and Fort Bragg for a few weeks, Empower Martial Arts has been overwhelmed with friendly and caring families. We would like to take this time and thank all of our veterans for their service and sacrifices. It is a privilege and honor to be a part of a community with so many veterans who have served this great country. We would also like to send out prayers to the families who have lost someone in the midst of combat.

Our mission at EMA is to give back and provide opportunities to serve our community, military families, veterans, and at risk families. We believe Martial Arts is a way of life that should be reflected in your actions and cause others to want to do the same.
Take a moment today to honor our military veterans and all that they have done for you and this great country.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Perseverance From Within Fayetteville, NC

On a day to day basis you are faced with both obstacles and challenges that can seem nearly impossible. Challenges at school, work, home, and in the community can seemingly put you with your back against the wall wondering what to do. Many fighters face this same phenomenon in the ring facing their opponent, heart racing, tunnel vision, and wondering what the outcome will be at the end of the night.

However, challenges at school do not always leave you with bumps and bruises like a fighter, but they can be physically and emotionally straining. One of the first and most important lessons a fighter must learn is what to do when you get hit. This question is followed by, how will you fight back? For many fighters the feeling of being “gassed” or out of energy while your opponent looks fresh and ready to beat you down is one of the most overwhelming feelings.

Empower Martial Arts wants to share with you the same strategies that fighters use to prepare for fights and apply them to your everyday struggles. The power of knowledge, the power of planning, and the power of overcoming adversity are valuable life lessons that prepare you for job interviews, tests at school, projects at work, and many others.

Our mission at EMA is to EMPOWER the lives of each and every student giving them the tools they need for success and holding them accountable. If you would like more information on this topic, or where EMA is headed, contact Mr. Holgerson at or by phone at (913)754-6570.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Supports our Troops Fort Bragg, NC

Friday November 2nd Empower Martial Arts instructors joined our military soldiers and supported their families by attending the brigade run, Purple Heart ceremony, and Gold Star memorial ceremony. Not very often do you get to see thousands of soldiers running in formation and their families cheering them on. The brigade run consisted of 4 miles and not one person was left behind.
Following the run was the Purple Heart Ceremony, where soldiers and families gathered to honor those who had been injured during combat. Not every wounded soldier was in attendance, but one such soldier was, SSR Travis Mills. He is the 4th person ever to survive a quadruple amputee surgery. Seeing him standing and greeting fellow soldiers later was a very surreal sight indeed.
Later in the evening was the Gold Star ceremony where a gold star was awarded, along with a plaque, to the families of the soldiers who died during combat. Emotions were high and tears were shed as the fellow soldiers and families of each victim mourned their loss. Once the prayer was given and shots were fired, emotions began to sink in as everyone became silent in remembrance. The strength of the families who had lost a loved one was unbelievable and is a constant reminder of how fortunate we are to live in a free country.