Friday, January 2, 2015

Weight Loss Resolution Fulfilled by KiCK Boxing

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2015 is going to be KiCK'n AWESOME!

2015 is here and so is that New Years Resolution to get in shape. There are many different ways to doing that. If you're anything like me, doing it alongside other people makes it more fun and easier. One way to do that is through KiCK Boxing. Not only do you get to kick and punch things, but you also get to meet new people through partner drills. Through the release of endorphins, you will walk out of class feeling happy and drained all at the same time.

With cardio and strength training it will increase your metabolism, helping you lose weight. BOOM. It doesn't get better than that..... except it does! You get to do it with other people that have the same goal as you do!

Let's kick each others butts into gear for the new year and start KiCK Boxing together. 

Don't put off your resolution this year and give us a call (816) 746-1417 

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