Thursday, September 20, 2012

Empower Martial Arts view on Religion and Meditation

Some people relate martial arts with “eastern religion” as part of the package. Words such as “Zen” and “Taoism” will come up in conversation as these are the philosophical foundations that most Asian martial arts are built upon. They are nontheistic religions as we perceive them in the west. Bowing, along with other forms of dojang etiquette, could be misinterpreted as paganism to an outsider. They are, however, part of traditional taekwondo classes at Empower Martial Arts to teach discipline and class management. The instructors at EMA are Christians who put their faith in God and show this through their actions, behavior, and the way they live their lives. They are also very excited to share with you the traditions, the art, and the physical skills to make you a better person, and a well- rounded martial artist. Give EMA a try for FREE this fall and experience the highest quality martial arts program in the area.

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