Sunday, August 12, 2012

Empower Martial Arts and the Benefits of Stretching Fayetteville, N.C.

As most everyone knows the older you get the harder it is to gain and maintain flexibility. There is no magic tool you can buy or video you can watch to instantly become flexible. Believe me, if there was such a thing, I would share it with you! Flexibility is however a great goal to set and a very easy one to track your progress. EMA makes dynamic and static stretching a priority, not only for gaining flexibility, but for the health benefits as well. Did you know stretching on a regular basis increases the blood flow and oxygen to the muscles? This RESULTS in lowering your risk of blood clots, injuring yourself during a workout, and helps get rid of cramping. And for the YOUNG GUNS who jump out of the car and into the splits, developing good stretching habits will allow them to keep their flexibility as they get older and develop strong lean muscles. For questions e-mail me at

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