Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Depression Self-Defense Fayetteville, N.C.

Depression, no matter how serious, thoughts of suicide or the feeling of being down in the dumps is still one of the top illnesses in the United States today. Depression has many different forms and can begin by almost anything or nothing at all. One way EMA can help patients fight this illness is through MARTIAL ARTS. Yes, I do recommend seeing a doctor and therapist as well for therapy and medications if needed. EMA is a great way to breakout of the normal daily habits and change the way you think and conduct yourself. This theory goes hand in hand with one type of effective psychotherapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. CBT can help you change ways of thinking and behaving that may be damaging or contributing to depression. Our instructors are here to EMPOWER you and to bring back, or establish confidence, self-esteem, and an overall feeling of self- worth. God only gives us so many days on this earth, make every one COUNT! Bring your questions, stories, and triumphs to us today at tj_holgerson@hotmail.com as we get ready to serve you this fall!

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