Thursday, August 30, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Coming Soon to Fayetteville, N.C!

As you begin to settle back into the school year and prepare for the fall, continue to check this blog for updates on WHERE and WHEN classes will be held! Empower Martial Arts is in the final preparation stages and is ready to hit the ground running. The EXCITEMENT is high, the ENERGY is high, and the PASSION has never been greater! Let us show YOU how EMA sets itself apart from the competition this fall. Mention this blog post to receive 2 weeks of free classes! No tricks, no high-pressure sales, just instructors wanting to encourage and EMPOWER your life! For more questions, e-mail or call (913)-754-6570.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Monday Morning Workout!

It would be hypocritical for me to command others to get in shape and eat healthy if I myself do not! Below is some footage of my Monday morning workout. Never stop trying, push past plateaus, and motivate others to do the same! Let EMA help you on your journey this FALL!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hypermasculinity and Tough Guy Self-Defense Fayetteville, N.C.

Hyper masculinity is a psychological term for the exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on strength, aggression, body hair, odor and virility. Or you can just call it Mr. Tough Guy. Media, music, movies, and society have a tendency to put a large load on the shoulders of young men to be more masculine. Have you felt the effects of PEER PRESSURE from friends, or what about the phrase “ARE YOU SCARED”? Sadly, each day many boys and men feel as if they have to PROVE something to gain respect, to be known as the TOUGH GUY. EMA is continually studying this topic to establish self-worth and honor in the lives of every student. Growing up my father would always remind me that my real identity was found in God, not what I do. It is hard! And it’s not going to change overnight. Don’t dare your friends to do something because you don’t want to! Instead, challenge and encourage your friends to better themselves in a way that motivates and EMPOWERS those around them. Give it a try! Write down your feedback and motivate others to do the same! For more questions, e-mail me at Be the change you want to see in the world!

Affects of Adult Bullying Fayetteville, N.C.

If you think Bullying only happens in grade school your wrong. The following article is real and recent. Think about how your “jokes” affect those around you, take the time to stand up against bullying today!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Heart Self-Defense Fayetteville, N.C.

It’s no secret that your body only has one heart to pump blood and keep you alive. Here are just a few simple tips to prevent CHD or Coronary Heart Disease from attacking YOU.

  1. Exercise—Daily is best, get a sweat going! Pace yourself and brace yourself for EMA when we arrive this FALL!!
  2. Drink water—Ditch the soda, 8 cups or 1 and a half liters of water daily!
  3. Fruits and Vegetables—these keep your body full for longer periods of time and digest much quicker to speed up recovery and get your metabolism up!
  4. No Smoking—This should be a given. If you would like your heart to work correctly the last thing you should do is smoke!!
  5. Education—Continue to educate yourself about heart disease and symptoms. Here is a video for you to watch to begin the education process.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Delayed Gratification Fayetteville, N.C.

Delayed gratification has been tested many times and proven effective. The following video is a prime example of patients and how hard it can be to wait for something you want. The path towards achieving your black belt in the martial arts is not only gratifying but life changing! Try Empower Martial Arts for free this fall, no tricks just instructors wanting encourage and empower your life!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Empower your child for the challenges ahead!

If you’re a parent, what would you want most out of a program designed to help your child be better prepared for life? What would you want your child to look like after an extended period of time in this program… confident, high self-esteem, courageous, healthy, empowered? YOU TELL US! EMA is reaching out to meet the NEEDS of the community and to build a children’s program around those attributes. Tell us what YOU feel is important in your child’s development as he/she faces new challenges ahead! Comment in the box below or e-mail me at and share your thoughts!

Empowering the lives around us

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Depression Self-Defense Fayetteville, N.C.

Depression, no matter how serious, thoughts of suicide or the feeling of being down in the dumps is still one of the top illnesses in the United States today. Depression has many different forms and can begin by almost anything or nothing at all. One way EMA can help patients fight this illness is through MARTIAL ARTS. Yes, I do recommend seeing a doctor and therapist as well for therapy and medications if needed. EMA is a great way to breakout of the normal daily habits and change the way you think and conduct yourself. This theory goes hand in hand with one type of effective psychotherapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. CBT can help you change ways of thinking and behaving that may be damaging or contributing to depression. Our instructors are here to EMPOWER you and to bring back, or establish confidence, self-esteem, and an overall feeling of self- worth. God only gives us so many days on this earth, make every one COUNT! Bring your questions, stories, and triumphs to us today at as we get ready to serve you this fall!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Empower Martial Arts and the Benefits of Stretching Fayetteville, N.C.

As most everyone knows the older you get the harder it is to gain and maintain flexibility. There is no magic tool you can buy or video you can watch to instantly become flexible. Believe me, if there was such a thing, I would share it with you! Flexibility is however a great goal to set and a very easy one to track your progress. EMA makes dynamic and static stretching a priority, not only for gaining flexibility, but for the health benefits as well. Did you know stretching on a regular basis increases the blood flow and oxygen to the muscles? This RESULTS in lowering your risk of blood clots, injuring yourself during a workout, and helps get rid of cramping. And for the YOUNG GUNS who jump out of the car and into the splits, developing good stretching habits will allow them to keep their flexibility as they get older and develop strong lean muscles. For questions e-mail me at

Saturday, August 11, 2012

21st Century Self-Defense Fayetteville, N.C.

Let’s get REAL for a minute. How often do you see someone getting attacked with a sword, chased with a Bo Staff, or get thrown by a 5 year old? The point is there are much more relevant issues when it comes to self-defense. Topics such as bullying, rape prevention, diabetes, anger management, anxiety, and obesity to name a few are just as important to protect ourselves from as physical attacks by an assailant. The instructors of EMA are devoting time and energy each day towards furthering their education on these topics to create an atmosphere of understanding and knowledge for the students.  Statistics show that in the next decade 1 in every 3 children will be diagnosed with diabetes. This IS a problem along with many others that needs to be addressed and confronted. Martial Arts isn’t just great for you and your health, but for your family, friends, and anyone who looks up to you. For more information on these topics check this blog daily, and for question e-mail me at

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Worthwhile Progress at Empower Martial Arts Fayetteville, N.C.

In the martial arts, to make true and worthwhile progress, you would do well to have a few "things."

One of those things is patience. Patience means you look at the long-term benefits of steady, consistent training; not too hard and not to easy, but training that’s varied, interesting, and --eventually --both meditative and challenging.  

Another thing is the big picture view. Your martial arts practice should not be limited to --or even predominately on --the mat. The awareness, the calmness, the confidence, should make it’s way off of the mat and into your world.  

Tom Callos at (, his favorite quote is 'My life is my dojo.'” 

And yet another great thing to have is an instructor with a brain and some awareness. It’s a great, great thing to have friends and mentors who have the makings for a full picnic lunch --and it’s a real bummer when you end up hanging out with someone who turns out to have brought the basket, but forgot to pack the sandwiches.  

Oh, and a really wonderful thing to have is a good diet. Without a good diet, the body doesn’t cooperate the way it should and training is never as much fun or as productive as it could (and should) be.  

If you’re considering martial arts classes as a way to have some fun while polishing those “things” that you like most about yourself, consider contacting Mr. Holgerson at or by phone at (913)-754-6570.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Top 10 Healthy Family Tips Fayetteville N.C.

1. Eat dinner together as a family. Studies conducted in 2011 show that families who regularly eat together make healthier food choices.

2. Bring kids into the kitchen and have them help prepare the meal. Children who participate in the meal preparation tend to eat healthier foods.

3. Avoid words like "don't, can't, bad, forbid" with foods. It only makes kids mre curious about them.

4. Plant a vegetable with your child and have them care for it until it is ready to be harvested. Kids who have participated in gardening tend to be more interested in fruits and vegetables.

5. Take a family walk together after dinner with pedometers and have kids put a star on the calendar for every day they walk.

6. Include a vegetable and a fruit at every meal. Let the kids select which ones they want.

7. Limit fruit juice to once a day. help kids find creative ways to eat their fruit.

8. Choose higher fiber foods like legumes, produce with skin and 100% whole grains. Most children do not get enough fiber.

9. Turn the TV off during meal time and share your experiences of the day. Keep table talk positive fun family time.

10. When eating out teach children to split a meal. Most restaurant portions are too big.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Empower Martial Arts Leadership Training Fayetteville N.C.

Let’s think about some situations where leaders are needed, school, work, sports, community, home, government. ect.. ect… Each and every day leaders are needed to step up and out of there comfort zone to help those around them. The problem is where do you go to get the confidence, skills, and training to be a GREAT LEADER? EMA is proud to bring the highest quality leadership training program to Fayetteville, N.C.!! Our passionate instructors are ready to pour out there knowledge and encourage you each step towards achieving GREATNESS. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”John C. Maxwell.