Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Empower Martial Arts would like to take a minute to thank all of our military families for the sacrifices, commitment, and service they give to this great country. Memorial Day is a big day for the Fayetteville/Fort Bragg community as we celebrate All American week and spend time in memory and prayer for our Gold Star families, friends, and loved ones who have sacrificed their lives for freedom.

Memorial Day is much harder for some, thankful for many, and a constant reminder that freedom has a price. So spend time with your family, forgive those who have wronged you, and love on those close to you.

Fun Facts: Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day, a day set aside to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers in the civil war. In 1971 the name was switched to Memorial Day, and was placed on the last Monday in May so the flowers would be in full bloom. It is also the second most popular day of the year for grilling.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The easiest health tips you will ever receive

As you jump from diet to diet, meal plan to meal plan, workout to workout you will always discover new concepts, ideas, and regiments that seemingly work better for you. This post isn’t about finding the right model of eating or working out that fits you perfectly, but rather very simple ways to help your body feel better and even lose weight with regular exercise.

> do not “chug” down beverages: When finishing a workout many tend to inhale a large amount of water, Gatorade, etc…. This can easily cause cramps, muscle tightness, fatigue, and of course that bloated feeling. Sipping on water during your workouts, after your workouts, at home, at work, and all throughout the day is the best way to help your body digest food, regulate blood flow with proper breathing, and fight off hunger for longer periods of time.

> Listen to your body: For some people, listening to your body is hard. Ingredients such as sugar, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup, and high amounts of sodium trick our brain into thinking that we are getting what our body wants. If you are feeling pain in your kidneys, bladder, liver, etc… change what you are eating before it’s too late.

> Daily dose of Tae Kwon Do: Practicing your kicks, stances, blocks, and hand techniques on a regular basis are not just a great way to improve your balance, flexibility, and power, but also an excellent way to stay strong, in shape, and in tune with your body when done correctly.

For more health tips or questions from Empower Martial Arts, e-mail or call (913)-754-6570.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Empower Martial Arts visits the Library for Tae Kwon Do and Tricking demonstration!

Mr. Holgerson of Empower Martial Arts works with the boys and girls at the Bordeaux Public Library in a demonstration and presentation of Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts Tricking. For more information, contact or (913)-754-6570 for more information.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The many benefits of family exercise!

Making movement fun is one way that parents can help keep children fit.  When movement is fun, children will choose movement over sedentary activities and develop a lifelong preference for regular physical activity.  Movement throughout the lifetime will help control weight, reduce health risks, and improve mood.  Physicians suggest 30 minutes of activity three times per week, and the key to making this happen is planning.   You can turn off the television three evenings a week, mark it on the calendar, and make exercise a habit.  Weekends offer opportunities for longer outings.  Here are just a few suggestions to make movement fun for everyone in the family:
  • Discover fun songs such as “I Like to Move It” from Madagascar 2 and dance together; dance as you do housework or yard work to make those activities more fun.
  • Do an experiment with fast and slow tempos:  Does listening to a fast song propel you around the block in a shorter active healthy children and familiestime than a slow-paced song?  (Research says that it will).  Use a timer to find out for yourselves.
  • A weekend hike can be fun, but a treasure hunt is even more exciting.  Letterboxing is a treasure hunt hike without a GPS device.  The website explains this unique combination of artistry and navigational skills that makes hiking fun for the whole family.
  • Make exercise seasonal: Gardening is a way to get a great workout in the spring; everyone can help dig, hoe, plant, and weed a vegetable garden.  Summer can involve car washes and fall is raking leaves.  In the winter, shoveling snow and snowball fights are invigorating.
  • When weather permits, play outside:  Without a lot of planning or money, you can play lots of sports in the backyard:  soccer, catch, Frisbee, tag or football will keep you smiling and moving.
  • Video sports are available regardless of the weather:  Kids and adults alike can get a great workout with the assistance of Wii Fit or the standard Wii package.  The added component of competition will keep some kids moving until they drop!
  • Reduce your car use:  If you live within a mile of your child’s school, you can walk or ride bikes to school to get a daily dose of activity.  This takes planning and getting up earlier but the rewards are wonderful; walking is a great way to spend time talking.
  • A simple walk after dinner will help maintain blood sugar in the normal range and provide a time for contemplation and connection.  Notice the beautiful surroundings and express gratitude for your blessings.
Remember that children will do what you do.  If you want children to be active, move with them.  Make sure your children know that you value regular physical exercise for yourself as well as for them.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Perseverance means "never give up!"
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals and don't stop until you have achieved them.

You can see more video's at