Sunday, April 7, 2013

Life-Skill for April Integrity

Integrity is simple. Choose right over wrong, make good choices, and stay true to yourself and family. Integrity defined is adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.”

There is no doubt that this Life Skill needs to be both an ongoing dialog and intentionally practiced to maintain your morals and ethics. At EMA we practice the phrase “choosing right over wrong” ALWAYS! Not some times, not when you want to, but choosing to do what you know is right even when no one is watching.

Integrity is hardly ever rewarded. It’s often overlooked, and is easy to skip out on because very few will notice. We challenge you to write down 3 times you showed integrity this week and send it to us. Taking pride in the small personal victories is what sets you apart from the rest and will strengthen your character.

Give integrity a try and share your experiences with us at or (913)-754-6570.


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