Sunday, April 28, 2013

EMA’s 5 Tips to preventing Cyber Bullying

In an age where technology is used every day in almost every area of your life, you know that there are many precautions you must take before posting information online, starting up the oven, calling a 1-800#, and downloading new software. But many people overlook how easy it is to bully others using technology.

Cyber Bullying is when a person (or group of people) bully, harass, and bring others down through various forms of technology. The most popular and easiest ways to cyber bully come through social media (facebook, twitter), texting, and even phone calls and voicemails. Children AND adults, will use these forms of technology to spread lies, pictures, offensive language, and videos to torment other people.

Here are 5 tips on preventing Cyber Bullying

1)            Tell someone. Tell your parents, your principle at school, and in very serious conditions call the local authorities.

2)            Save the information that was sent to you via text, e-mail, or social media to use as evidence. This can be helpful in displaying the time and date of when the attacks are being made.

3)            Educate. Part of our job at Empower Martial Arts as instructors and educators is to give all students the highest chance for success. For children, take this information and review what cyber bullying looks like so you will know when to report it. Set yourself up for SUCCESS!

4)            Block the person. There are many different softwares and settings that allow you to block people, and phone numbers from sending you texts and commenting on your online information.

5)            Empower others. Practice being a leader by helping the many children who are affected by cyber bullying. In doing so, you will gain confidence, friends, and be one step closer to becoming a true Black Belt!

For more information contact or (913)-754-6570.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sexual Assault and Cyber-Bullying are Life Threatening

"We're talking about, other than murdering someone, the highest degree of a crime you could possibly do, which is to violate them in the worst of ways ... and then to effectively rub her face in it afterwards," Robert Allard, the attorney representing the girl's mother, father and step-mother, told the Associated Press on Friday.

Tragically a 15 year old California girl took her life after being sexually assaulted and cyber-bullied through texts and the internet. You can read the full story at

For more information on preventing Cyber-bullying and Sexual Assault look for our next blog post on the 5 ways to prevent Cyber-Bullying. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Life-Skill for April Integrity

Integrity is simple. Choose right over wrong, make good choices, and stay true to yourself and family. Integrity defined is adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.”

There is no doubt that this Life Skill needs to be both an ongoing dialog and intentionally practiced to maintain your morals and ethics. At EMA we practice the phrase “choosing right over wrong” ALWAYS! Not some times, not when you want to, but choosing to do what you know is right even when no one is watching.

Integrity is hardly ever rewarded. It’s often overlooked, and is easy to skip out on because very few will notice. We challenge you to write down 3 times you showed integrity this week and send it to us. Taking pride in the small personal victories is what sets you apart from the rest and will strengthen your character.

Give integrity a try and share your experiences with us at or (913)-754-6570.


Monday, April 1, 2013

You Get One Chance

Every day you go through a number of different routines such as eating breakfast, driving your car, showering (I hope), and many others. You also spend time on a regular basis preparing for things that may never happen, for example; training in CPR, paying for special insurance, practicing self-defense, and even learning advanced trigonometry.

But when it boils down to a topic such as self-defense, you get ONE CHANCE: one chance to defend yourself, one chance to defend someone else, and one chance to possibly save your life. There are many ways to practice self-defense physically, mentally, and verbally. But it all comes down to muscle memory when your adrenaline is pumping, your fine motor skills are sunk, tunnel vision kicks in, and you have no time for anything except action.

At Empower Martial Arts we believe that less is more when it comes to self-defense. Yes, it’s exciting to learn a new self-defense technique that involves many steps and can disable an opponent with minimal effort, but will you be able to remember everything in a time of crisis? We believe in self-defense that is simple, proven effective, can be used on much larger opponents, and will hold up in court in case of a serious incident.

Take your training seriously, take your health and fitness seriously, and strive towards excellence and a life with no regrets. For questions or more information contact: or (913)-754-6570.