Friday, March 8, 2013

Kicking on Purpose

Every day we walk through life completing tasks, eating food, reading the news, and maybe even working out. But all of these daily obligations have no meaning if you’re not doing them on purpose. What do you mean? Do you eat with the purpose of losing weight, or to satisfy taste buds? Do you workout to be social, or do you do workout to build muscle?

At EMA we not only train with a purpose but teach with a purpose as well.

When practicing kicking techniques, you are not just kicking the air hoping that someday it will save your life from an attacker.  Rather, you are kicking to understand body awareness and to strengthen the muscles and joints that will help you move and feel better. We also practice kicking techniques with the purpose of releasing stress, improving balance, coordination, increasing flexibility, and jump-starting the cardiovascular system to burn fat and increase the flow of blood and oxygen.

Although there are many benefits to gain from martial arts and Tae Kwon Do, it all starts with PRACTICING ON PURPOSE. Plain and simple you must practice on purpose to improve your kicks, eating habits, fitness, and wellbeing.

Take the next step on purpose today and call (913)-754-6570 to learn how you can acquire the many benefits Empower Martial Arts has to offer!

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