Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life Skill of the month is Courtesy

Courtesy is more than just a word or an action. It is a choice. Every day you have the chance to show and demonstrate courtesy. During class we simply refer to courtesy as treating people right, or doing unto others as you would have them do unto you (golden rule).

Courtesy comes in many different forms and is rarely ever praised or rewarded. It’s the conscious effort of putting others before you and over time develops good habits that dictate your strength in character. You should never seek tangible rewards for showing courtesy to friends and strangers, because demonstrating courtesy with the wrong motives shows fear of not being recognized and low self-esteem.

On behalf of Empower Martial Arts and its instructors, I would like to challenge you to not just wait around for opportunities to arise, but to seek out more situations where you could show courtesy and maybe even step out of your comfort zone.

Showing courtesy leads to higher self-esteem, higher self-esteem leads to confidence, and confidence leads to leadership and empowering the lives of those around you. Don’t waste any opportunity to grow and help others. For more information call (913)-754-6570 or e-mail

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