Friday, August 2, 2013

August’s Character Development Trait is Attitude

After asking several children and adults what the first thing that comes to their mind is when they think of “attitude,” their response normally sounds something like, “being sad or happy, holding back your anger, and realizing how your actions affect others.” These are great answers, but the hard question is how do we change our attitude, and how can we use our attitude to influence and affect others?

Empower Martial Arts uses several tactics throughout each class to build a positive, challenging, and fun atmosphere. The number one direct influence children and adults pick up on is the attitude of others. Which is why modeling the correct attitude, especially in the face of diversity, is easily one of the biggest challenges life will throw at you. For even the Bible says “be angry, and do not sin,” (easier said than done!). Unfortunately there is no magic tool that will keep you in a good mood 24/7, but combining the lessons taught in Tae Kwon Do with school, work, and everyday activities, can help push you in the right direction.

One simple way of displaying our attitude is our posture. If you notice in each class, students have several different specific postures that are put in place to build confidence, strength of character, discipline, and several other traits. The real challenge however is not how confident and assertive you can look in class, but keeping that look and attitude when challenges arise. “For the measure of a man’s character cannot be measured in a time of peace, but rather how he responds when times get hard.”-Unknown.

This month we will continue to work on being assertive and how to keep calm when others make us angry. For further questions or comments contact .

“Character may be manifested in the GREAT moments, but is made in the small ones.”-Unknown